Co-Pilot Offers 50+ Projects That Will Help You Grow Your Business

Get your Toolbox tech & set-up work done for you by our team of experts, so you can be free to work on your business.

Watch this short 8 minute overview (make sure to unmute the video if there's no sound!)

Stop Wasting Time Trying To Do It All Alone.
Invite Our Team To Be Your Business Co-Pilots Now.

Toolbox Co-Pilot includes all the Toolbox features + unlimited done-for-you Co-Pilot projects. (See complete list below)

How It Works: Requesting Co-Pilot Projects Is Quick & Easy

Unlimited Projects. Simple Process. Professional Outcomes.

Step 1

Select A Project

& Request The Brief

Select from your list of 50+

Co-Pilot projects.

Once you've decided, request the brief for the project from our team using a short web form.

Co-Pilot members may request an unlimited number of projects, with one active project allowed at any given time.

Many projects need to be done more than once over time. i.e. loading marketing emails, new event website pages, etc.

Step 2

Fill Your

Project Brief

A project brief is a fill-in-the-blanks document customised for the project that you've selected.

Project brief sizes vary depending on the project you're requesting.

If you need help filling it out, we invite you to use the the weekly mentoring session held on Wednesdays at 10am (AEST) to ask for guidance and support.

Step 3

Send Your Project To The BUMP Co-Pilot Team

Submit your brief with the click of a button from your Toolbox dashboard.

Note: Members may submit only one project at a time.

Project briefs must be completed in full in order for the project delivery clock to begin on our side.

Step 4

Repeat As Soon As Your Project Is Completed

You'll receive an email from our team once your project has been completed.

You'll be able to review it before we mark it as finalised, in case you require some changes.

You can then start preparing your next done-for-you project brief.

Pro Tip: You may request as many briefs as you like if you are working with one of our project bundles as a guideline. This will save you time and allow you to submit them to us back-to-back.

List of 50+ Co-Pilot Projects Available Now:

A | Settings

A1 | Find My Top Prospects and Clients

Why: Your time is valuable, so we'll make sure you're spending it with the prospects who are most likely to buy what you're selling.

What: We'll set-up lead scoring to automatically identify and prioritise your most engaged leads.

A2 | Organise My Media Folders

Why: If your images, videos and files are disorganised and messy, it's very difficult to effectively build web pages and emails.

What: We'll make it easy to manage all of your uploaded media with a consistent and easy to navigate file and folder system.

A3 | Add My Team To Toolbox

Why: Adding your team to Toolbox and restricting their access ensures a secure and organised collaborative work environment, safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining privacy.

What: We'll add your team members to Toolbox, configuring and limiting their access to specific functionalities as per your requirements.

B | Calendars

B1 | Automate My Bookings

Why: If you're booking calls manually on your calendar, or emailing back-and-forth to find a time, you'll make it too hard for your prospects to speak with you, and lose a lot of sales.

What: We'll set-up your new appointment booking calendar with all of the correct settings in place, and connect the booking calendar with your Google calendar* so your appointments show up there automatically. (*Google calendar must be integrated in your account already.)

C | Contacts

C1 | Upload My Contacts

Why: When you’re moving from one system to another it can be confusing and time-consuming to upload your existing contact database. You want to know it’s done correctly, so you don’t lose your valuable prospect and client data.

What: We’ll format your contact database correctly to be imported in Toolbox, then upload it into your account for you.

C2 | Organise My Leads and Clients

Why: Managing hundreds or thousands of contacts manually can get messy quickly.

What: We’ll create customised smart lists and the automated workflows to add and remove contacts dynamically to your lists, so you always know who is engaged, who it’s safe to email, call or sms, and who has unsubscribed.

C3 | Keep My Database Clean

Why: Maintaining a clean database is essential for effective communication. Deleting contacts when they unsubscribe, experience email bounces, or report emails as spam ensures the accuracy and relevance of your contact list, and protects your Toolbox account from being banned by email service providers like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.

What: We'll implement a systematic process to keep your database clean, automatically removing contacts when they unsubscribe, their emails bounce, or they report your emails as spam.

D | Opportunities

D1 | Track and Manage My Leads and Buyers

Why: It’s essential to know the exact steps in your sales process, and to be able to track each prospect as they move through your pipeline.

What: We’ll create your new sales pipeline and add the stages in your sales process to your pipeline so you can move prospects towards the sale. We’ll also build the automated workflows to manage moving your prospects to the correct pipeline stage based on actions they take inside your Toolbox account.

D2 | Track and Manage My Client Delivery

Why: When you sign a customer or client, you need to be able to automatically track where they are in your delivery process.

What: We’ll create your new delivery pipeline and add the stages in your delivery process to your pipeline so you can manage your new client delivery after they’ve bought from you. We’ll also build the automated workflows to manage moving your prospects to the correct pipeline stage based on actions they take inside your Toolbox account.

E | Payments

E1 | Get Paid Using Invoices

Why: Having multiple ways to take payment is the best way to get paid. Some clients need an invoice they can review, and click to pay online, instead of ordering through an online order form.

What: We’ll set up your invoice settings correctly, and create a customised invoice template that you can use to send to your prospects to make more sales.

E2 | Send Digital Contracts to Get Signed

Why: It’s important to protect yourself when clients sign-up for your products and services. Often the best way to do that is to send a digital contract for them to sign, to prove they’ve agreed to your terms and conditions, and to set and manage delivery expectations.

What: We’ll set-up your contract template and document signing settings so you can protect yourself by collecting digital signatures.

E3 | Set-Up My Products

Why: In order to sell your products and services, they need to be added to Toolbox and configured correctly.

What: We’ll add up to 10 products to your account, and configure the settings for each so you know they’re ready to sell by adding them to your invoices, contracts, and order forms.

E4 | Send Receipts to Buyers Automatically

Why: Customers usually require receipts when they buy from you, and in many cases it’s a legal requirement for you to provide them. Luckily, it’s automatable.

What: We’ll set-up your receipt email template, and automate the delivery of receipts to every client when they purchase from you.

F | Marketing

F1 | Automate My Social Media Posting

Why: You know that posting to social media is an essential part of marketing your business, but you don’t have the time to do it yourself, or the know-how to automate it.

What: We’ll load and schedule up to 30 social media posts* for you, to be posted on whatever schedule you want, to whichever social media accounts you have connected to Toolbox.

(*You’ll need to supply the text, images and/or videos you want to post - details outlined in the brief).

F2 | Make My Emails Look Professional

Why: You want your emails to stand out in your prospects’ and clients’ inbox, and for your emails to represent your business professionally.

What: We’ll create a customised email template that matches your brand, and include a lead generating “super signature”. Then we’ll save the header and footer as “global elements” so you can add them to any other emails you need to create in the future.

F3 | Automate My Email Marketing

Why: Email marketing is still the most effective tool to nurture and convert prospects into customers. Research shows that email marketing provides a 4,200 return-on-investment (ROI)... which means you’ll make far more money by consistently emailing your database.

What: We’ll load up to 30 emails* into your account (*you’ll need to supply the email copy) either as plain text, or within your custom built, branded email template. Then we’ll schedule your emails to be sent at whatever frequency you want in an automated workflow.

G | Affiliates

G1 | Launch an Affiliate Program & Sell More

Why: What if you could have a team of people promoting your products and services for you, and you only pay them a commission when you actually make a sale?

What: We’ll set-up and configure your Affiliate Manager inside Toolbox, so you can launch your affiliate program and get sales on autopilot.

H | Funnels

H1 | Add a Page to My Website

Why: Websites and funnels always need to be updated. Building pages requires a thorough knowledge of the Toolbox page builder, as well as an eye for graphic design, user experience, and marketing expertise.

What: We’ll build a new website page and add it to the website or funnel of your choice. Your page will feature up to 7 template sections, so you know it has all the required elements to produce results.

(*You’ll need to provide the copy, images and/or videos you want on the page - details outlined in the project brief).

H2 | Generate Leads with a Lead Magnet

Why: Lead magnets (free gifts given in exchange for contact details) are one of the best ways to generate leads and capture a prospect's contact details so you can nurture them from inside your Toolbox account.

What: We’ll build your two-step lead magnet* funnel, which includes your lead magnet opt-in page (where you’ll collect contact info) and your lead magnet delivery page (where you give the prospect what they opted-in for). Your delivery page can also include either “hot lead escalation” (by embedding a booking calendar), or an “upsell” (by offering a product for immediate purchase).

(*You’ll need to provide the lead magnet, and text, images and/or video you want on the page - details outlined in the project brief).

H3 | Sell My Product Online

Why: You want to make sales, right? Then you’ll need a product sales funnel that’s designed to sell your products and services.

What: We’ll create your product order page, and the thank-you page that delivers access to your product after a customer buys it.

H4 | Run a Free Live Event (In-Person or Online)

Why: Free live events – whether live online, or live in-person – are one of the highest converting methods of generating leads, signing clients, and selling products or services. 

What: We’ll build your event web pages* for your free live event (whether it’s an in-person or online event), including your event opt-in (registration) page, and the event registration confirmation page.

(*You’ll need to provide the text, images and/or video you want on the page - details outlined in the project brief).

H5 | Run a Paid Live Event (In-Person or Online)

Why: You know what’s better than running an event for free? Getting paid for it! Whilst both free and live events have their place, paid events have the added benefit of generating income through ticket sales before you make additional sales at the live event.

What: We’ll build your event web pages* for your paid live event (whether it’s an in-person or online event), including your event opt-in (registration) page, ticket purchase page, and event registration confirmation page.

(*You’ll need to provide the text, images and/or video you want on the page - details outlined in the project brief).

H6 | Run a Live Webinar

Why: Live webinars are a great marketing and sales tool that allow you to generate leads and make sales without leaving home. Typically much shorter than a full live event; webinars are easy to run more frequently, and require smaller audience sizes than live events in order to be profitable or successful.

What: We’ll build your webinar opt-in page, registration thank you page (with or without “hot lead escalation” depending on your strategy), and webinar replay page (so you can continue to make sales after you’ve finished the live webinar).

H7 | Get Leads to Request a Call

Why: Not all prospects are ready to jump on a call immediately, and some don’t want to read through emails to get the info they need to work with you. Giving them the ability to request a call back at a time that suits them will prevent you from losing them for good.

What: We’ll build your call back request page and the online form needed to capture the prospects details so you can contact them.

H8 | Add a Customised Contact Us Page to My Site

Why: A comprehensive contact us page is essential for the success of your business. Prospects need to know that you’re a real business, and have a single place to go to find all of their options for getting in touch with you.

What: We’ll build your customised contact us page, as well as the contact form and automated workflow to send internal notifications to the right person on your team when a contact request comes in.

H9 | Promote My Business on Social Media with a “Link In Bio” Page

Why: Social media is an essential part of your marketing mix. Having a good looking, mobile optimised “Link In Bio” page is a must to capture leads and make sales without forcing people to leave the social media platform.

What: We’ll build you a customised and mobile-optimised “Link In Bio” page that has the important links you want your prospects to have at their fingertips.

I | Automations

I1 | Automate Registration for My Free Live Event

Why: To deliver a seamless live event experience, you need prospects to be able to register themselves online and receive all the essential reminders to make sure they’ll actually show up.

What: We’ll build your free live event (whether in-person, or online) registration flow, including the event opt-in form (which we’ll add to your opt-in page if it’s built), the event sign-up automation including adding relevant tags, and one automated email (text only, unless you have a branded template set-up already), and make sure your prospects are added to the correct stage in your sales pipeline (if it’s set-up already).

I2 | Automate Registration for My Paid Live Event

Why: To deliver a seamless live event experience, you need prospects to be able to register their interest and buy tickets online, and receive all the essential reminders to make sure they’ll actually show up.

What: We’ll build your paid live event (whether in-person, or online) registration flow, including the event opt-in form (which we’ll add to your opt-in page if it’s built), the event ticket purchase automation including; creating your event as a product in Toolbox, building the event payment form, adding relevant tags, and one automated payment confirmation email (text only, unless you have a branded template set-up already), and make sure your interested prospects and paid attendees are both added to the correct stages in your sales pipeline (if it’s set-up already).

I3 | Automate Registration for My Webinar

Why: To deliver a seamless webinar, you need prospects to be able to register themselves online and receive all the essential reminders to make sure they’ll actually show up. Then when you’re done, you want them to watch the replay, and buy whatever you’re selling.

What: We’ll build your webinar registration flow, including the webinar opt-in form (which we’ll add to your opt-in page if it’s built), the webinar sign-up and post-webinar automations including adding relevant tags, and the automated email reminders to get prospects to show up (text only, unless you have a branded template set-up already), and make sure your prospects are added to the correct stage in your sales pipeline (if it’s set-up already).

I4 | Automate the Delivery of My Product or Service

Why: When clients purchase from you, they want a seamless delivery and access experience. They want it fast, they want it easy, and they want to know it’s safe to give you their money.

What: We’ll build your automated product or service delivery workflow for one product, including adding the correct tags, sending your welcome email, and moving your clients to the appropriate pipeline stage.

I5 | Automate the Delivery of My Lead Magnet

Why: Ensuring a smooth and efficient delivery of lead magnets is crucial for capturing and nurturing prospects effectively.

What: We’ll build your lead magnet delivery automation workflow for one lead magnet, including adding the correct tags, sending your download email, and moving your clients to the appropriate pipeline stage.

I6 | Automate the Delivery of My Online Course

Why: Providing members with automated and secure access to online courses is essential for a positive learning experience.

What: We’ll build your membership course access automation workflow to grant access to the correct course, add the right tags, and deliver your welcome email, which will include log-in details for your client to access their course. We’ll also make sure the client is moved to the correct pipeline stage.

I7 | Reactivate My Email List to Find Hot Leads

Why: Reactivating your email list is a strategic approach to uncovering hot leads from existing contacts, potentially reviving interest and engagement.

What: We'll create a reactivation campaign to identify and nurture hot leads from your email list.

I8 | Automate My Lead Follow-up When I Miss a Call

Why: Timely follow-up after a missed call is crucial to capture potential leads, ensuring you don't miss out on valuable opportunities. 

What: We'll build an automated system to follow-up with your prospects via SMS when an inbound call to your Toolbox phone number* is missed. (*You’ll need to purchase a phone number inside Toolbox).

I9 | Automate My Lead Follow-up When I Get Inbound Chat Messages

Why: Timely follow-up on inbound chat messages is essential to engage leads while their interest is high, increasing the chances of conversion.

What: We'll create an automation system* to follow up with prospects when inbound chat messages are received via Facebook, Instagram, or SMS. (*Social media accounts must be integrated).

I10 | Follow-Up with All New Leads Within the First Five Minutes

Why: The best time to follow-up with a new prospect is within the first five minutes of them making contact. Rapid follow-up within the first five minutes of acquiring a new prospect significantly increases the likelihood of conversion, capitalising on their immediate interest. The longer you wait to follow-up, the less likely they’ll buy from you.

What: We'll build an automated system to follow up with all new leads within the first five minutes. 

I11 | Send Customised Birthday Promotions to My Leads and Clients

Why: Sending personalised birthday promotions is an effective way to build a connection with prospects and clients, fostering positive relationships and increasing sales.

What: We'll create a system to send customised birthday promotions automatically to anyone who has provided their date of birth through a Toolbox form.

I12 | Automate My Response to FAQ’s

Why: Automating responses to frequently asked questions saves time, provides instant support to prospects and clients, and ensures consistent and accurate information is provided.

What: We'll build an automated system to respond to frequently asked questions* via whichever channel they come in from (*You’ll need to provide the FAQ’s and their answers. You’ll also need to make sure the correct channels, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, are connected and active in your account).

J | Blog

J1 | Add a Blog to My Website

Why: Enhancing your website with a blog is a valuable strategy for engaging visitors and showcasing your expertise. It’s also one of the best ways to build your niche authority.

What: We’ll set up a blog page on your website, create a menu link, and design a custom blog post cover image template in Canva.

J2 | Automate My Blog Posting

Why: Consistent and automated blog posting helps maintain an active online presence and keeps your audience engaged.

What: We’ll load and schedule up to 10 blog posts*, adding a cover using your blog post cover template. (*You’ll need to supply the text, images, and/or videos for the blog posts).

K | Client Portal

K1 | Create an Online Community for My Clients

Why: Fostering a sense of community among clients enhances engagement and loyalty. By providing your clients with a dedicated online community portal, you’ll retain them longer, keep them happier, and ultimately make more money.

What: We’ll set-up your online community (from within your Toolbox account) with private groups and discussion channels for effective client interaction, engagement, and retention.

L | Forms & Surveys*

*What's the difference? A form is best for short amounts of information (for example, contact details on a lead magnet opt-in page, or asking additional questions on a calendar appointment booking) and a survey is best for more involved data collection (think how you would use Survey Monkey or Typeform).

L1 | Capture Leads on My Website with a Lead Magnet Opt-In Form

Why: Generating leads through a well-designed opt-in form is essential for building your prospect database.

What: We’ll build a customised lead generating opt-in form, and add it to your site by either embedding it into the page*, or via a pop-up that appears when prospects click a button, scroll down the page, or attempt to exit the page. (*You'll need to have an opt-in page set-up already inside a funnel).

L2 | Get More Sales From My Website

Why: Increasing sales through dedicated order forms can significantly impact your revenue.

What: We’ll select the right product or service* to add into your order form, make sure the details are correct, and then install the order form into your site, by either embedding it into the page, or via a pop-up that appears when prospects click a button. (*Your products and services will need to be in Toolbox already).

L3 | Ask Qualifying Questions When Someone Books an Appointment

Why: Gathering specific details through custom qualifying questions during appointment booking ensures that you and your sales team are well-prepared and can tailor their approach to each prospect’s circumstances to close more sales, more easily.

What: We’ll create a custom question form*, and connect it to the specific booking calendar you want it on. We’ll also set up the custom fields and folders required to find this powerful qualifying information inside your prospect’s contact records. (*You’ll need to provide the specific qualifying questions you want us to put in the form. You'll also need an active calendar set-up already).

L4 | Capture More Detailed Information In a Survey

Why: Gathering detailed information through surveys helps in understanding your prospects better. Surveys can be used in multiple ways to help you market, sell, and deliver more efficiently and effectively.

What: We’ll create a custom survey* to capture more detailed information. We’ll also set up the custom fields and folders required to find this powerful information inside your prospect’s contact records. (*You’ll need to provide the specific qualifying questions you want us to put in the survey).

M | Chat Widget

M1 | Capture Leads on My Website With a Chat Widget

Why: Engaging your website visitors through a chat widget is an easy way to capture more leads right at their point of highest interest.

What: We’ll set up and integrate your chat widget into your website and funnels, with your custom colours and branding.

N | Memberships

N1 | Set-Up My Online Course System Correctly

Why: Properly setting up your online course system ensures a smooth learning experience for students. If you get this wrong, no-one will be able to login or access your courses!

What: We’ll set up and customize the required course settings to make sure your membership site is live and able to deliver to your clients.

N2 | Upload My Online Course

Why: Loading and assembling your online course is time-consuming. Efficiently loading your online course content (including text, images, videos, and downloadable files and resources) and adding custom cover images is crucial for a timely and organized course launch, providing a seamless learning experience for your students.

What: We will load all of your course assets* correctly into Toolbox, and assemble them into your online course. (*You’ll need to provide all text, images, videos, and files. If your course has more than 9 modules you’ll need to select this project more than once).

N3 | Provide Students With a Certificate When They Finish a Course

Why: Offering a customised certificate upon course completion adds value to your online courses, motivates students, and enhances the overall learning experience.

What: We’ll design a customised course certificate, upload it into Toolbox, and automate the delivery of personalised certificates upon successful course completion.

O | Reputation

O1 | Get Reviews Automatically to Build My Online Reputation

Why: Building online reviews is crucial for enhancing your business reputation. The more reviews you get, the more likely prospects will be to choose you over your competitors.

What: We’ll set up your reputation management and review request system, and connect it to your Facebook page to automate your review requests. (*Facebook page must be integrated already).

Make The Most of Co-Pilot: Use Pre-Designed Project Bundles

Many Co-Pilot projects work together to achieve your business goals. To simply your planning, we've bundled them up with a suggested order and sequence of execution. Here are examples of very popular bundles:

"I want to get more leads
with a lead magnet."

H2. Generate Leads with a Lead Magnet

L1. Capture Leads on My Website with a Lead Magnet Opt-In Form

F2. Make My Emails Look Professional

F3. Automate My Email Marketing

I5. Automate the Delivery of My Lead Magnet

D1. Track and Manage My Leads and Buyers

"I want to generate leads

from social media."

H9. Promote My Business on Social Media with a “Link In Bio” Page

F1. Automate My Social Media Posting

H2. Generate Leads with a Lead Magnet

L1. Capture Leads on My Website with a Lead Magnet Opt-In Form

I5. Automate the Delivery of My Lead Magnet

"I want to sell

my products online."

C2. Organise My Leads and Clients

D1. Track and Manage My Leads and Buyers

F2. Make My Emails Look Professional

E3. Set-Up My Products

H3. Sell My Product Online

E4. Send Receipts to Buyers Automatically

D2. Track and Manage My Client Delivery

I4. Automate the Delivery of My Product or Service

Co-Pilot Members Get Access To 33+ Pre-Designed Bundles
So You Can Plan Strategically & Grow Your Business

With Effective Marketing, Sales & Delivery Systems.

Co-Pilot Membership FAQ's

1. Project inclusions

You get unlimited projects as a Co-Pilot member, but can only have one active project* at a time.

Our recommendation is to plan your Co-Pilot projects in advance so you have time to prepare your next brief while your active project is underway.

As soon as an active is project has been completed (we'll send you an email to confirm this), you're able to submit your next project brief to our Co-Pilot team. This is where your pre-designed project bundles become an incredible resource to simplify your planning and make the most of your use of the Co-Pilot service.

*An active project is one on which our team is actively working on your behalf.

2. Project limitations

You may only have one active project* at any given time.

Each project has specific inclusions and limitations which are defined in the project list above. More detailed information can be found in each project brief, which you'll need to complete in full and submit prior to our team beginning work on the project.

Only the defined Co-Pilot projects listed above may be requested at this time.

We invite our members to provide suggestions for projects you'd like to see added to the list! We'll review all suggested new projects, and if they're a good fit, we'll add them to the scope of your Co-Pilot membership. Please send your suggestions to

*An active project is one on which our team is actively working on your behalf.

3. Project completion timeframe

We guarantee all projects will be completed within 10 business days* once:

1. Your project brief form has been submitted - Use the blue button at the top of this page. All submissions are time stamped and actioned in order of submission to ensure a fair process for all members.

2. Your project brief has been reviewed and approved by our team.


- When approved, we include our revision time in the 10 business days we guarantee.

- When not approved - information missing or major error/confusion in the brief - our team will contact you and explain what needs to be fixed so that you can re-submit your brief. In this case, the timestamp is removed and your "project clock" restarts once you submit the updated brief.

- We complete projects on a submissions date base (first in, first served). All projects are guaranteed to be completed within 10 business days.

- 10 business days is the maximum completion time... Most projects will be completed much faster, it simply depends on the volume of projects we receive at any given time.

IMPORTANT: Please be keep in mind our business hours, public holidays, and annual closure dates in the last FAQ tab below.

4. Project revision timeframe

Once a project is completed, we'll offer you the chance to request some changes (when applicable).

Once you've submitted your request (via button at the top of this page), we will action the changes within 3 business days.

5. Project briefs overview

Each Co-Pilot project has a dedicated project brief.

The project brief must be completed in full (by you, or someone on your team) before submitting it via the button at the top of this page.

Work on your project will not begin until we receive a fully completed brief. If information is missing, we'll email you and provide guidance as to how to finalize it before re-submitting.

If you need further help or advice, we invite you to ask your question(s) during the weekly live mentoring session.

6. What if I need help completing my brief or selecting my next project?

We invite you to ask your questions during our weekly, live online mentoring session, which runs on Wednesdays at 10AM (AEST Hobart time).

7. How long do I have to complete my project brief?

There are no deadlines -- You can take as long as you need to complete your project brief.

Some briefs take only a few minutes to complete, while others may take a few days - especially those requiring copywriting, customized images or graphics, etc. That's why we recommend you plan ahead using the project bundles for guidance.

The 10-day delivery guarantee begins only when your brief is submitted using the button at the top of this page.

8. How do I "order" a project bundle?

Project bundles are a resource we created to help you plan your projects in order and sequence.

They aim to help you achieve relevant and specific business outcomes (e.g. get more leads, run a sales webinar, add a webpage, automate social media posting, etc.)

The bundles show you the list of Co-Pilot projects (in our suggested order) that need to be done in order to make that outcome a reality.

You cannot "order" a bundle as such. To make the most of this resource, you need to:

1. Review the projects in the bundle of your choice and make sure that you do need all of them.

Sometimes you'll notice that you already have some projects set-up in your Toolbox account, ie. "Make my emails look professional" (many already have a branded email template).

If you're unsure, our team can double check for you by having a look inside your Toolbox account. Just send an email to

2. Request the briefs of the projects you've decided you need done for your business. Click the "Request A Brief" button at the top of this page. Make sure that you only include one brief request per form submission, then simply repeat if you need to submit more than one request.

3. Fill-out the first brief and submit it. Use the "Submit Your Brief" button at the top of this page. Again, submit only one brief at a time.

4. While we work on the first project, start working on subsequent briefs so you can submit them without delay once your first project has been completed by our team.

9. What if my project is urgent?

This service is not for urgent requests; everything will be completed within the scope outlined.

If you are absolutely certain that you need something done urgently, there is a one-off additional USD$1k escalation fee for each urgent request. This service is only available upon review and approval on a case-by-case basis.

Email to send us the details with "Urgent Project" in the email title.

10. How long is my commitment to Co-Pilot?

You are committed to six months minimum when you join or upgrade to Co-Pilot.

After your first six months, your membership rolls on a month-to-month basis indefinitely. You may downgrade back to Toolbox anytime after your initial six month membership has ended. To do so, please send us an email at:

Once you've transitioned to the month-by-month Co-Pilot membership, if you do decide to downgrade back to Toolbox, you'll need to sign on for a six month term again if you decide to rejoin.

11. I got everything I need done for now. How do I downgrade back to Toolbox?

Once you have completed the required six months minimum in Co-Pilot, you may downgrade at anytime. To do so, please send us an email at:

12. I need 1:1 help... How do I upgrade to First Class?

We have very limited spots for our 1:1 First Class consulting program.

To gain get the full details or simply check if this is right for you, please email with "I Want First Class Treatment" in the subject line!

13. BUMP Solutions business hours, public & annual holidays

BUMP Solutions is located in Tasmania, Australia. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 3pm.

We are closed on weekends, and follow the Tasmania & Queensland National public holidays.

Annual Bi-Yearly Closure:
- Mid-year break: 22nd June 2024 to 7th July 2024
- End of Year break: 21st December 2024 to 5th January 2025